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Imagebind embeddings

We have support for imagebind model embeddings. You can download our version of the packaged model via - pip install imagebind-packaged==0.1.2.

This function is registered as imagebind and supports Audio, Video and Text modalities(extending to Thermal,Depth,IMU data):

Parameter Type Default Value Description
name str "imagebind_huge" Name of the model.
device str "cpu" The device to run the model on. Can be "cpu" or "gpu".
normalize bool False set to True to normalize your inputs before model ingestion.

Below is an example demonstrating how the API works:

import lancedb
from lancedb.pydantic import LanceModel, Vector
from lancedb.embeddings import get_registry

db = lancedb.connect(tmp_path)
func = get_registry().get("imagebind").create()

class ImageBindModel(LanceModel):
    text: str
    image_uri: str = func.SourceField()
    audio_path: str
    vector: Vector(func.ndims()) = func.VectorField()

# add locally accessible image paths
text_list=["A dog.", "A car", "A bird"]
image_paths=[".assets/dog_image.jpg", ".assets/car_image.jpg", ".assets/bird_image.jpg"]
audio_paths=[".assets/dog_audio.wav", ".assets/car_audio.wav", ".assets/bird_audio.wav"]

# Load data
inputs = [
    {"text": a, "audio_path": b, "image_uri": c}
    for a, b, c in zip(text_list, audio_paths, image_paths)

#create table and add data
table = db.create_table("img_bind", schema=ImageBindModel)

Now, we can search using any modality:

query_image = "./assets/dog_image2.jpg" #download an image and enter that path here
actual =[0]
print(actual.text == "dog")
query_audio = "./assets/car_audio2.wav" #download an audio clip and enter path here
actual =[0]
print(actual.text == "car")

You can add any input query and fetch the result as follows:

query = "an animal which flies and tweets" 
actual =[0]
print(actual.text == "bird")

If you have any questions about the embeddings API, supported models, or see a relevant model missing, please raise an issue on GitHub.