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Jina Embeddings : Multimodal

Jina embeddings can also be used to embed both text and image data, only some of the models support image data and you can check the list under

Supported parameters (to be passed in create method) are:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
name str "jina-clip-v1" The model ID of the jina model to use

Usage Example:

    import os
    import requests
    import lancedb
    from lancedb.pydantic import LanceModel, Vector
    from lancedb.embeddings import get_registry
    import pandas as pd

    os.environ['JINA_API_KEY'] = 'jina_*'

    db = lancedb.connect("~/.lancedb")
    func = get_registry().get("jina").create()

    class Images(LanceModel):
        label: str
        image_uri: str = func.SourceField()  # image uri as the source
        image_bytes: bytes = func.SourceField()  # image bytes as the source
        vector: Vector(func.ndims()) = func.VectorField()  # vector column
        vec_from_bytes: Vector(func.ndims()) = func.VectorField()  # Another vector column

    table = db.create_table("images", schema=Images)
    labels = ["cat", "cat", "dog", "dog", "horse", "horse"]
    uris = [
    # get each uri as bytes
    image_bytes = [requests.get(uri).content for uri in uris]
      pd.DataFrame({"label": labels, "image_uri": uris, "image_bytes": image_bytes})