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Ollama embeddings

Generate embeddings via the ollama python library. More details:

Parameter Type Default Value Description
name str nomic-embed-text The name of the model.
host str http://localhost:11434 The Ollama host to connect to.
options ollama.Options or dict None Additional model parameters listed in the documentation for the Modelfile such as temperature.
keep_alive float or str "5m" Controls how long the model will stay loaded into memory following the request.
ollama_client_kwargs dict {} kwargs that can be past to the ollama.Client.
import lancedb
from lancedb.pydantic import LanceModel, Vector
from lancedb.embeddings import get_registry

db = lancedb.connect("/tmp/db")
func = get_registry().get("ollama").create(name="nomic-embed-text")

class Words(LanceModel):
    text: str = func.SourceField()
    vector: Vector(func.ndims()) = func.VectorField()

table = db.create_table("words", schema=Words, mode="overwrite")
    {"text": "hello world"},
    {"text": "goodbye world"}

query = "greetings"
actual =[0]