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User-defined embedding functions

To use your own custom embedding function, you can follow these 2 simple steps:

  1. Create your embedding function by implementing the EmbeddingFunction interface
  2. Register your embedding function in the global EmbeddingFunctionRegistry.

Let us see how this looks like in action.

EmbeddingFunction and EmbeddingFunctionRegistry handle low-level details for serializing schema and model information as metadata. To build a custom embedding function, you don't have to worry about the finer details - simply focus on setting up the model and leave the rest to LanceDB.

TextEmbeddingFunction interface

There is another optional layer of abstraction available: TextEmbeddingFunction. You can use this abstraction if your model isn't multi-modal in nature and only needs to operate on text. In such cases, both the source and vector fields will have the same work for vectorization, so you simply just need to setup the model and rest is handled by TextEmbeddingFunction. You can read more about the class and its attributes in the class reference.

Let's implement SentenceTransformerEmbeddings class. All you need to do is implement the generate_embeddings() and ndims function to handle the input types you expect and register the class in the global EmbeddingFunctionRegistry

from lancedb.embeddings import register
from lancedb.util import attempt_import_or_raise

class SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(TextEmbeddingFunction):
    name: str = "all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
    # set more default instance vars like device, etc.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._ndims = None

    def generate_embeddings(self, texts):
        return self._embedding_model().encode(list(texts), ...).tolist()

    def ndims(self):
        if self._ndims is None:
            self._ndims = len(self.generate_embeddings("foo")[0])
        return self._ndims

    def _embedding_model(self):
        return sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer(name)
import * as lancedb from "@lancedb/lancedb";
import {
} from "@lancedb/lancedb/embedding";

class SentenceTransformersEmbeddings extends TextEmbeddingFunction {
  name = "Xenova/all-miniLM-L6-v2";
  #ndims!: number;
  extractor!: FeatureExtractionPipeline;

  async init() {
    this.extractor = await pipeline("feature-extraction",, {
      dtype: "fp32",
    this.#ndims = await this.generateEmbeddings(["hello"]).then(
      (e) => e[0].length,

  ndims() {
    return this.#ndims;

  toJSON() {
    return {
  async generateEmbeddings(texts: string[]) {
    const output = await this.extractor(texts, {
      pooling: "mean",
      normalize: true,
    return output.tolist();

This is a stripped down version of our implementation of SentenceTransformerEmbeddings that removes certain optimizations and default settings.

Use sensitive keys to prevent leaking secrets

To prevent leaking secrets, such as API keys, you should add any sensitive parameters of an embedding function to the output of the sensitive_keys() / getSensitiveKeys() method. This prevents users from accidentally instantiating the embedding function with hard-coded secrets.

Now you can use this embedding function to create your table schema and that's it! you can then ingest data and run queries without manually vectorizing the inputs.

from lancedb.pydantic import LanceModel, Vector

registry = EmbeddingFunctionRegistry.get_instance()
stransformer = registry.get("sentence-transformers").create()

class TextModelSchema(LanceModel):
    vector: Vector(stransformer.ndims) = stransformer.VectorField()
    text: str = stransformer.SourceField()

tbl = db.create_table("table", schema=TextModelSchema)

tbl.add(pd.DataFrame({"text": ["halo", "world"]}))
result ="world").limit(5)
const registry = getRegistry();

const sentenceTransformer = await registry

const schema = LanceSchema({
  vector: sentenceTransformer.vectorField(),
  text: sentenceTransformer.sourceField(),

const db = await lancedb.connect(databaseDir);
const table = await db.createEmptyTable("table", schema, {
  mode: "overwrite",

await table.add([{ text: "hello" }, { text: "world" }]);

const results = await"greeting").limit(1).toArray();


You can always implement the EmbeddingFunction interface directly if you want or need to, TextEmbeddingFunction just makes it much simpler and faster for you to do so, by setting up the boiler plat for text-specific use case

Multi-modal embedding function example

You can also use the EmbeddingFunction interface to implement more complex workflows such as multi-modal embedding function support.

LanceDB implements OpenClipEmeddingFunction class that suppports multi-modal seach. Here's the implementation that you can use as a reference to build your own multi-modal embedding functions.

class OpenClipEmbeddings(EmbeddingFunction):
    name: str = "ViT-B-32"
    pretrained: str = "laion2b_s34b_b79k"
    device: str = "cpu"
    batch_size: int = 64
    normalize: bool = True
    _model = PrivateAttr()
    _preprocess = PrivateAttr()
    _tokenizer = PrivateAttr()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        open_clip = attempt_import_or_raise("open_clip", "open-clip") # EmbeddingFunction util to import external libs and raise if not found
        model, _, preprocess = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms(
  , pretrained=self.pretrained
        self._model, self._preprocess = model, preprocess
        self._tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer(
        self._ndims = None

    def ndims(self):
        if self._ndims is None:
            self._ndims = self.generate_text_embeddings("foo").shape[0]
        return self._ndims

    def compute_query_embeddings(
        self, query: Union[str, "PIL.Image.Image"], *args, **kwargs
    ) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        Compute the embeddings for a given user query

        query : Union[str, PIL.Image.Image]
            The query to embed. A query can be either text or an image.
        if isinstance(query, str):
            return [self.generate_text_embeddings(query)]
            PIL = attempt_import_or_raise("PIL", "pillow")
            if isinstance(query, PIL.Image.Image):
                return [self.generate_image_embedding(query)]
                raise TypeError("OpenClip supports str or PIL Image as query")

    def generate_text_embeddings(self, text: str) -> np.ndarray:
        torch = attempt_import_or_raise("torch")
        text = self.sanitize_input(text)
        text = self._tokenizer(text)
        with torch.no_grad():
            text_features = self._model.encode_text(
            if self.normalize:
                text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            return text_features.cpu().numpy().squeeze()

    def sanitize_input(self, images: IMAGES) -> Union[List[bytes], np.ndarray]:
        Sanitize the input to the embedding function.
        if isinstance(images, (str, bytes)):
            images = [images]
        elif isinstance(images, pa.Array):
            images = images.to_pylist()
        elif isinstance(images, pa.ChunkedArray):
            images = images.combine_chunks().to_pylist()
        return images

    def compute_source_embeddings(
        self, images: IMAGES, *args, **kwargs
    ) -> List[np.array]:
        Get the embeddings for the given images
        images = self.sanitize_input(images)
        embeddings = []
        for i in range(0, len(images), self.batch_size):
            j = min(i + self.batch_size, len(images))
            batch = images[i:j]
        return embeddings

    def _parallel_get(self, images: Union[List[str], List[bytes]]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        Issue concurrent requests to retrieve the image data
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
            futures = [
                executor.submit(self.generate_image_embedding, image)
                for image in images
            return [future.result() for future in futures]

    def generate_image_embedding(
        self, image: Union[str, bytes, "PIL.Image.Image"]
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        Generate the embedding for a single image

        image : Union[str, bytes, PIL.Image.Image]
            The image to embed. If the image is a str, it is treated as a uri.
            If the image is bytes, it is treated as the raw image bytes.
        torch = attempt_import_or_raise("torch")
        # TODO handle retry and errors for https
        image = self._to_pil(image)
        image = self._preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0)
        with torch.no_grad():
            return self._encode_and_normalize_image(image)

    def _to_pil(self, image: Union[str, bytes]):
        PIL = attempt_import_or_raise("PIL", "pillow")
        if isinstance(image, bytes):
        if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image):
            return image
        elif isinstance(image, str):
            parsed = urlparse.urlparse(image)
            # TODO handle drive letter on windows.
            if parsed.scheme == "file":
            elif parsed.scheme == "":
                return if == "nt" else parsed.path)
            elif parsed.scheme.startswith("http"):
                raise NotImplementedError("Only local and http(s) urls are supported")

    def _encode_and_normalize_image(self, image_tensor: "torch.Tensor"):
        encode a single image tensor and optionally normalize the output
        image_features = self._model.encode_image(image_tensor)
        if self.normalize:
            image_features /= image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        return image_features.cpu().numpy().squeeze()

Coming Soon! See this issue to track the status!