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Evaluation: Assessing Text Performance with Precision πŸ“ŠπŸ’‘

Evaluation is a comprehensive tool designed to measure the performance of text-based inputs, enabling data-driven optimization and improvement πŸ“ˆ.

Text Evaluation 101 πŸ“š

Using robust framework for assessing reference and candidate texts across various metricsπŸ“Š, ensure that the text outputs are high-quality and meet specific requirements and standardsπŸ“.

Evaluation Description Links
Evaluating Prompts with Prompttools πŸ€– Compare, visualize & evaluate embedding functions (incl. OpenAI) across metrics like latency & custom evaluation πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š Github
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Evaluating RAG with RAGAs and GPT-4o πŸ“Š Evaluate RAG pipelines with cutting-edge metrics and tools, integrate with CI/CD for continuous performance checks, and generate responses with GPT-4o πŸ€–πŸ“ˆ Github
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