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Recommender Systems: Personalized DiscoveryπŸΏπŸ“Ί

Deliver personalized experiences with Recommender Systems. 🎁

Technical OverviewπŸ“œ

πŸ”οΈ LanceDB's powerful vector database capabilities can efficiently store and query item embeddings. Recommender Systems can utilize it and provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences 🀝 and item features πŸ“Š and therefore enhance the user experience.πŸ—‚οΈ

Recommender System Description Links
Movie Recommender System🎬 🀝 Use collaborative filtering to predict user preferences, assuming similar users will like similar movies, and leverage Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) from Numpy for precise matrix factorization and accurate recommendationsπŸ“Š Github
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πŸŽ₯ Movie Recommendation with Genres πŸ” Creates movie embeddings using Doc2Vec, capturing genre and characteristic nuances, and leverages VectorDB for efficient storage and querying, enabling accurate genre classification and personalized movie recommendations through similarity searchesπŸŽ₯ Github
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πŸ›οΈ Product Recommender using Collaborative Filtering and LanceDB πŸ“ˆ Using Collaborative Filtering and LanceDB to analyze your past purchases, recommends products based on user's past purchases. Demonstrated with the Instacart dataset in our exampleπŸ›’ Github
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πŸ” Arxiv Search with OpenCLIP and LanceDB πŸ’‘ Build a semantic search engine for Arxiv papers using LanceDB, and benchmarks its performance against traditional keyword-based search on Nomic's Atlas, to demonstrate the power of semantic search in finding relevant research papersπŸ“š Github
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Food Recommendation System🍴 πŸ” Build a food recommendation system with LanceDB, featuring vector-based recommendations, full-text search, hybrid search, and reranking model integration for personalized and accurate food suggestionsπŸ‘Œ Github
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