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Full-text search (Tantivy-based FTS)

LanceDB also provides support for full-text search via Tantivy, allowing you to incorporate keyword-based search (based on BM25) in your retrieval solutions.

The tantivy-based FTS is only available in Python synchronous APIs and does not support building indexes on object storage or incremental indexing. If you need these features, try native FTS native FTS.


To use full-text search, install the dependency tantivy-py:

# Say you want to use tantivy==0.20.1
pip install tantivy==0.20.1


Consider that we have a LanceDB table named my_table, whose string column content we want to index and query via keyword search, the FTS index must be created before you can search via keywords.

import lancedb

uri = "data/sample-lancedb"
db = lancedb.connect(uri)

table = db.create_table(
        {"id": 1, "vector": [3.1, 4.1], "title": "happy puppy", "content": "Frodo was a happy puppy", "meta": "foo"},
        {"id": 2, "vector": [5.9, 26.5], "title": "playing kittens", "content": "There are several kittens playing around the puppy", "meta": "bar"},

# passing `use_tantivy=False` to use lance FTS index
# `use_tantivy=True` by default
table.create_fts_index("content", use_tantivy=True)"puppy").limit(10).select(["content"]).to_list()
# [{'text': 'Frodo was a happy puppy', '_score': 0.6931471824645996}]
# ...

It would search on all indexed columns by default, so it's useful when there are multiple indexed columns.


LanceDB automatically searches on the existing FTS index if the input to the search is of type str. If you provide a vector as input, LanceDB will search the ANN index instead.


By default the text is tokenized by splitting on punctuation and whitespaces and then removing tokens that are longer than 40 chars. For more language specific tokenization then provide the argument tokenizer_name with the 2 letter language code followed by "_stem". So for english it would be "en_stem".

table.create_fts_index("content", use_tantivy=True, tokenizer_name="en_stem", replace=True)

the following languages are currently supported.

Index multiple columns

If you have multiple string columns to index, there's no need to combine them manually -- simply pass them all as a list to create_fts_index:

table.create_fts_index(["title", "content"], use_tantivy=True, replace=True)

Note that the search API call does not change - you can search over all indexed columns at once.


Currently the LanceDB full text search feature supports post-filtering, meaning filters are applied on top of the full text search results (see native FTS if you need pre-filtering). This can be invoked via the familiar where syntax:"puppy").limit(10).where("meta='foo'").to_list()


You can pre-sort the documents by specifying ordering_field_names when creating the full-text search index. Once pre-sorted, you can then specify ordering_field_name while searching to return results sorted by the given field. For example,

table.create_fts_index(["content"], use_tantivy=True, ordering_field_names=["id"], replace=True)

("puppy", ordering_field_name="id")


If you wish to specify an ordering field at query time, you must also have specified it during indexing time. Otherwise at query time, an error will be raised that looks like ValueError: The field does not exist: xxx


The fields to sort on must be of typed unsigned integer, or else you will see an error during indexing that looks like TypeError: argument 'value': 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.


You can specify multiple fields for ordering at indexing time. But at query time only one ordering field is supported.

Phrase queries vs. terms queries

For full-text search you can specify either a phrase query like "the old man and the sea", or a terms search query like "(Old AND Man) AND Sea". For more details on the terms query syntax, see Tantivy's query parser rules.


The query parser will raise an exception on queries that are ambiguous. For example, in the query they could have been dogs OR cats, OR is capitalized so it's considered a keyword query operator. But it's ambiguous how the left part should be treated. So if you submit this search query as is, you'll get Syntax Error: they could have been dogs OR cats.

# This raises a syntax error"they could have been dogs OR cats")

On the other hand, lowercasing OR to or will work, because there are no capitalized logical operators and the query is treated as a phrase query.

# This works!"they could have been dogs or cats")

It can be cumbersome to have to remember what will cause a syntax error depending on the type of query you want to perform. To make this simpler, when you want to perform a phrase query, you can enforce it in one of two ways:

  1. Place the double-quoted query inside single quotes. For example,'"they could have been dogs OR cats"') is treated as a phrase query.
  2. Explicitly declare the phrase_query() method. This is useful when you have a phrase query that itself contains double quotes. For example,'the cats OR dogs were not really "pets" at all').phrase_query() is treated as a phrase query.

In general, a query that's declared as a phrase query will be wrapped in double quotes during parsing, with nested double quotes replaced by single quotes.


By default, LanceDB configures a 1GB heap size limit for creating the index. You can reduce this if running on a smaller node, or increase this for faster performance while indexing a larger corpus.

# configure a 512MB heap size
heap = 1024 * 1024 * 512
table.create_fts_index(["title", "content"], use_tantivy=True, writer_heap_size=heap, replace=True)

Current limitations

  1. New data added after creating the FTS index will appear in search results, but with increased latency due to a flat search on the unindexed portion. Re-indexing with create_fts_index will reduce latency. LanceDB Cloud automates this merging process, minimizing the impact on search speed.

  2. We currently only support local filesystem paths for the FTS index. This is a tantivy limitation. We've implemented an object store plugin but there's no way in tantivy-py to specify to use it.