@lancedb/lancedb β’ Docs
@lancedb/lancedb / Index
Class: Index
Create a bitmap index.
A Bitmap
index stores a bitmap for each distinct value in the column for every row.
This index works best for low-cardinality columns, where the number of unique values is small (i.e., less than a few hundreds).
Create a btree index
A btree index is an index on a scalar columns. The index stores a copy of the column in sorted order. A header entry is created for each block of rows (currently the block size is fixed at 4096). These header entries are stored in a separate cacheable structure (a btree). To search for data the header is used to determine which blocks need to be read from disk.
For example, a btree index in a table with 1Bi rows requires sizeof(Scalar) * 256Ki bytes of memory and will generally need to read sizeof(Scalar) * 4096 bytes to find the correct row ids.
This index is good for scalar columns with mostly distinct values and does best when the query is highly selective.
The btree index does not currently have any parameters though parameters such as the block size may be added in the future.
Create a full text search index
A full text search index is an index on a string column, so that you can conduct full text searches on the column.
The results of a full text search are ordered by relevance measured by BM25.
You can combine filters with full text search.
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Create a hnswPq index
HNSW-PQ stands for Hierarchical Navigable Small World - Product Quantization. It is a variant of the HNSW algorithm that uses product quantization to compress the vectors.
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Create a hnswSq index
HNSW-SQ stands for Hierarchical Navigable Small World - Scalar Quantization. It is a variant of the HNSW algorithm that uses scalar quantization to compress the vectors.
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Create an IvfFlat index
This index groups vectors into partitions of similar vectors. Each partition keeps track of a centroid which is the average value of all vectors in the group.
During a query the centroids are compared with the query vector to find the closest partitions. The vectors in these partitions are then searched to find the closest vectors.
The partitioning process is called IVF and the num_partitions
parameter controls how
many groups to create.
Note that training an IVF FLAT index on a large dataset is a slow operation and currently is also a memory intensive operation.
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Create an IvfPq index
This index stores a compressed (quantized) copy of every vector. These vectors are grouped into partitions of similar vectors. Each partition keeps track of a centroid which is the average value of all vectors in the group.
During a query the centroids are compared with the query vector to find the closest partitions. The compressed vectors in these partitions are then searched to find the closest vectors.
The compression scheme is called product quantization. Each vector is divided into
subvectors and then each subvector is quantized into a small number of bits. the
parameters num_bits
and num_subvectors
control this process, providing a tradeoff
between index size (and thus search speed) and index accuracy.
The partitioning process is called IVF and the num_partitions
parameter controls how
many groups to create.
Note that training an IVF PQ index on a large dataset is a slow operation and currently is also a memory intensive operation.
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Create a label list index.
LabelList index is a scalar index that can be used on List<T>
columns to
support queries with array_contains_all
and array_contains_any
using an underlying bitmap index.