Rust-backed Client Migration Guide
In an effort to ensure all clients have the same set of capabilities we have
migrated the Python and Node clients onto a common Rust base library. In Python,
both the synchronous and asynchronous clients are based on this implementation.
In Node, the new client is available as @lancedb/lancedb
, which replaces
the existing vectordb
This guide describes the differences between the two Node APIs and will hopefully assist users that would like to migrate to the new API.
For JS/TS users, we offer a brand new SDK @lancedb/lancedb
We tried to keep the API as similar as possible to the previous version, but there are a few small changes. Here are the most important ones:
Creating Tables
CreateTableOptions.writeOptions.writeMode has been replaced with CreateTableOptions.mode
Changes to Table APIs
Previously Table.schema
was a property. Now it is an async method.
Creating Indices
The Table.createIndex
method is now used for creating both vector indices
and scalar indices. It currently requires a column name to be specified (the
column to index). Vector index defaults are now smarter and scale better with
the size of the data.
Embedding Functions
The embedding API has been completely reworked, and it now more closely resembles the Python API, including the new embedding registry:
import * as lancedb from "@lancedb/lancedb";
import * as arrow from "apache-arrow";
import { LanceSchema, getRegistry } from "@lancedb/lancedb/embedding";
const func = getRegistry().get("openai").create({apiKey: API_KEY});
const data = [
{ id: 1, text: 'Black T-Shirt', price: 10 },
{ id: 2, text: 'Leather Jacket', price: 50 }
const table = await db.createTable('vectors', data, {
embeddingFunction: {
sourceColumn: "text",
function: func,
You can also use a schema driven approach, which parallels the Pydantic integration in our Python SDK:
const func = getRegistry().get("openai").create({apiKey: API_KEY});
const data = [
{ id: 1, text: 'Black T-Shirt', price: 10 },
{ id: 2, text: 'Leather Jacket', price: 50 }
const schema = LanceSchema({
id: new arrow.Int32(),
text: func.sourceField(new arrow.Utf8()),
price: new arrow.Float64(),
vector: func.vectorField()
const table = await db.createTable('vectors', data, {schema})