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πŸ” Troubleshooting

Getting help

The following sections provide various diagnostics and troubleshooting tips for LanceDB. These can help you provide additional information when asking questions or making error reports.

For trouble shooting, the best place to ask is in our Discord, under the relevant language channel. By asking in the language-specific channel, it makes it more likely that someone who knows the answer will see your question.

Common issues

  • Multiprocessing with fork is not supported. You should use spawn instead.

Enabling logging

To provide more information, especially for LanceDB Cloud related issues, enable debug logging. You can set the LANCEDB_LOG environment variable:

export LANCEDB_LOG=debug

You can turn off colors and formatting in the logs by setting

export LANCEDB_LOG_STYLE=never

Explaining query plans

If you have slow queries or unexpected query results, it can be helpful to print the resolved query plan. You can use the explain_plan method to do this: