PyTorch Integration

Machine learning users can use LanceDataset, a subclass of, that to use Lance data directly PyTorch training and inference loops.

It starts with creating a ML dataset for training. With the Lance ❤️ HuggingFace, it takes just one line of Python to convert a HuggingFace dataset to a Lance dataset.

# Huggingface datasets
import datasets
import lance

hf_ds = datasets.load_dataset(
    # name="2m_first_1k",  # for a smaller subset of the dataset
lance.write_dataset(hf_ds, "diffusiondb_train.lance")

Then, you can use the Lance dataset in PyTorch training and inference loops. Not that the PyTorch dataset automatically convert data into torch.Tensor

import torch

# Load lance dataset into a PyTorch IterableDataset.
# with only columns "image" and "prompt".
dataset =
    columns=["image", "prompt"],
    batch_readahead=8,  # Control multi-threading reads.

# Create a PyTorch DataLoader
dataloader =

# Inference loop
for batch in dataloader:
    inputs, targets = batch["prompt"], batch["image"]
    outputs = model(inputs)

LanceDataset can composite with the Sampler classes to control the sampling strategy. For example, you can use ShardedFragmentSampler to use it in a distributed training environment. If not specified, it is a full scan.

from lance.sampler import ShardedFragmentSampler
from import LanceDataset

# Load lance dataset into a PyTorch IterableDataset.
# with only columns "image" and "prompt".
dataset = LanceDataset(
    columns=["image", "prompt"],
    batch_readahead=8,  # Control multi-threading reads.
        rank=1,  # Rank of the current process
        world_size=8,  # Total number of processes

Available samplers:

  • lance.sampler.ShardedFragmentSampler

  • lance.sampler.ShardedBatchSampler


For multiprocessing you should probably not use fork as lance is multi-threaded internally and fork and multi-thread do not work well. Refer to this discussion.