Schema Evolution

Lance supports schema evolution: adding, removing, and altering columns in a dataset. Most of these operations can be performed without rewriting the data files in the dataset, making them very efficient operations.

In general, schema changes will conflict with most other concurrent write operations. For example, if you change the schema of the dataset while someone else is appending data to it, either your schema change or the append will fail, depending on the order of the operations. Thus, it’s recommended to perform schema changes when no other writes are happening.

Renaming columns

Columns can be renamed using the lance.LanceDataset.alter_columns() method.

table = pa.table({"id": pa.array([1, 2, 3])})
dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "ids")
dataset.alter_columns({"path": "id", "name": "new_id"})
0       1
1       2
2       3

This works for nested columns as well. To address a nested column, use a dot (.) to separate the levels of nesting. For example:

data = [
  {"meta": {"id": 1, "name": "Alice"}},
  {"meta": {"id": 2, "name": "Bob"}},
schema = pa.schema([
    ("meta", pa.struct([
        ("id", pa.int32()),
        ("name", pa.string()),
dataset = lance.write_dataset(data, "nested_rename")
dataset.alter_columns({"path": "", "name": "new_id"})
0  {'new_id': 1, 'name': 'Alice'}
1    {'new_id': 2, 'name': 'Bob'}

Casting column data types

In addition to changing column names, you can also change the data type of a column using the lance.LanceDataset.alter_columns() method. This requires rewriting that column to new data files, but does not require rewriting the other columns.


If the column has an index, the index will be dropped if the column type is changed.

This method can be used to change the vector type of a column. For example, we can change a float32 embedding column into a float16 column to save disk space at the cost of lower precision:

table = pa.table({
   "id": pa.array([1, 2, 3]),
   "embedding": pa.FixedShapeTensorArray.from_numpy_ndarray(
       np.random.rand(3, 128).astype("float32"))
dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "embeddings")
dataset.alter_columns({"path": "embedding",
                       "data_type": pa.list_(pa.float16(), 128)})
id: int64
embedding: fixed_size_list<item: halffloat>[128]
  child 0, item: halffloat

Adding new columns

New columns can be added and populated within a single operation using the lance.LanceDataset.add_columns() method. There are two ways to specify how to populate the new columns: first, by providing a SQL expression for each new column, or second, by providing a function to generate the new column data.

SQL expressions can either be independent expressions or reference existing columns. SQL literal values can be used to set a single value for all existing rows.

table = pa.table({"name": pa.array(["Alice", "Bob", "Carla"])})
dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "names")
    "hash": "sha256(name)",
    "status": "'active'",
    name                                               hash  status
0  Alice  b';\xc5\x10b\x97<E\x8dZo-\x8dd\xa0#$cT\xad~\x0...  active
1    Bob  b'\xcd\x9f\xb1\xe1H\xcc\xd8D.Z\xa7I\x04\xccs\x...  active
2  Carla  b'\xad\x8d\x83\xff\xd8+Z\x8e\xd4)\xe8Y+\\\xb3\...  active

You can also provide a Python function to generate the new column data. This can be used, for example, to compute a new embedding column. This function should take a PyArrow RecordBatch and return either a PyArrow RecordBatch or a Pandas DataFrame. The function will be called once for each batch in the dataset.

If the function is expensive to compute and can fail, it is recommended to set a checkpoint file in the UDF. This checkpoint file saves the state of the UDF after each invocation, so that if the UDF fails, it can be restarted from the last checkpoint. Note that this file can get quite large, since it needs to store unsaved results for up to an entire data file.

import lance
import pyarrow as pa
import numpy as np

table = pa.table({"id": pa.array([1, 2, 3])})
dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "ids")

def add_random_vector(batch):
    embeddings = np.random.rand(batch.num_rows, 128).astype("float32")
    return pd.DataFrame({"embedding": embeddings})

Adding new columns using merge

If you have pre-computed one or more new columns, you can add them to an existing dataset using the lance.LanceDataset.merge() method. This allows filling in additional columns without having to rewrite the whole dataset.

To use the merge method, provide a new dataset that includes the columns you want to add, and a column name to use for joining the new data to the existing dataset.

For example, imagine we have a dataset of embeddings and ids:

table = pa.table({
   "id": pa.array([1, 2, 3]),
   "embedding": pa.array([np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([4, 5, 6]),
                          np.array([7, 8, 9])])
dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "embeddings", mode="overwrite")

Now if we want to add a column of labels we have generated, we can do so by merging a new table:

new_data = pa.table({
   "id": pa.array([1, 2, 3]),
   "label": pa.array(["horse", "rabbit", "cat"])
dataset.merge(new_data, "id")
   id  embedding   label
0   1  [1, 2, 3]   horse
1   2  [4, 5, 6]  rabbit
2   3  [7, 8, 9]     cat

Dropping columns

Finally, you can drop columns from a dataset using the lance.LanceDataset.drop_columns() method. This is a metadata-only operation and does not delete the data on disk. This makes it very quick.

>>> table = pa.table({"id": pa.array([1, 2, 3]),
...                  "name": pa.array(["Alice", "Bob", "Carla"])})
>>> dataset = lance.write_dataset(table, "names", mode="overwrite")
>>> dataset.drop_columns(["name"])
>>> dataset.schema
id: int64

To actually remove the data from disk, the files must be rewritten to remove the columns and then the old files must be deleted. This can be done using lance.dataset.DatasetOptimizer.compact_files() followed by lance.LanceDataset.cleanup_old_versions().