- class lance.BlobFile(io.RawIOBase)
Represents a blob in a Lance dataset as a file-like object.
Public members¶
- BlobFile(inner: LanceBlobFile)
Internal only: To obtain a BlobFile use
- close() None
Flush and close the IO object.
- property closed : bool
- readable() bool
Return whether object was opened for reading.
- seekable() bool
Return whether object supports random access.
- tell() int
Return current stream position.
- size() int
Returns the size of the blob in bytes.
- readall() bytes
Read until EOF, using multiple read() call.
- __repr__() str
Return repr(self).
- write()
- classmethod BlobFile(*args, **kwargs)
Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
- __iter__()
Implement iter(self).
- __next__()
Implement next(self).
- truncate()
Truncate file to size bytes.
- flush()
Flush write buffers, if applicable.
- writable()
Return whether object was opened for writing.
- fileno()
Returns underlying file descriptor if one exists.
- isatty()
Return whether this is an ‘interactive’ stream.
- writelines(lines, /)
Write a list of lines to stream.