- class lance.FragmentMetadata
Metadata for a fragment.
- id¶
The ID of the fragment.
- Type:
- files¶
The data files of the fragment. Each data file must have the same number of rows. Each file stores a different subset of the columns.
- Type:
- physical_rows¶
The number of rows originally in this fragment. This is the number of rows in the data files before deletions.
- Type:
- deletion_file¶
The deletion file, if any.
- Type:
- row_id_meta¶
The row id metadata, if any.
- Type:
Public members¶
deletion_file : DeletionFile | None =
row_id_meta : RowIdMeta | None =
- property num_deletions : int
The number of rows that have been deleted from this fragment.
- property num_rows : int
The number of rows in this fragment after deletions.
- data_files() list[DataFile]
- to_json() dict
Get this as a simple JSON-serializable dictionary.
- static from_json(json_data: str) FragmentMetadata
- FragmentMetadata(id: int, files: list[DataFile], physical_rows, ...)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- __repr__()
Return repr(self).
- id : int
- files : List[DataFile]
- physical_rows : int