- class lance.LanceScanner(pyarrow._dataset.Scanner)
Public members¶
- LanceScanner(scanner: _Scanner, dataset: LanceDataset)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- to_reader()
Consume this scanner as a RecordBatchReader.
- to_batches()
Consume a Scanner in record batches.
- property projected_schema : Schema
The materialized schema of the data, accounting for projections.
- static from_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
Not implemented
- static from_fragment(*args, **kwargs)
Not implemented
- static from_batches(*args, **kwargs)
Not implemented
- property dataset_schema : Schema
The schema with which batches will be read from fragments.
- scan_batches()
Consume a Scanner in record batches with corresponding fragments.
- count_rows()
Count rows matching the scanner filter.
) str Return the execution plan for this scanner.
- analyze_plan() str
Execute the plan for this scanner and display with runtime metrics.
- classmethod LanceScanner(*args, **kwargs)
Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
- __reduce__()