static lance.LanceFragment.create(dataset_uri: str | Path, data: ReaderLike, fragment_id: int | None = None, schema: pa.Schema | None = None, max_rows_per_group: int = 1024, progress: FragmentWriteProgress | None = None, mode: str = 'append', *, data_storage_version: str | None = None, use_legacy_format: bool | None = None, storage_options: dict[str, str] | None = None) FragmentMetadata

Create a FragmentMetadata from the given data.

This can be used if the dataset is not yet created.


Internal API. This method is not intended to be used by end users.

dataset_uri : str

The URI of the dataset.

fragment_id : int

The ID of the fragment.

data : pa.Table or pa.RecordBatchReader

The data to be written to the fragment.

schema : pa.Schema, optional

The schema of the data. If not specified, the schema will be inferred from the data.

max_rows_per_group : int, default 1024

The maximum number of rows per group in the data file.

progress : FragmentWriteProgress, optional

Experimental API. Progress tracking for writing the fragment. Pass a custom class that defines hooks to be called when each fragment is starting to write and finishing writing.

mode : str, default "append"

The write mode. If “append” is specified, the data will be checked against the existing dataset’s schema. Otherwise, pass “create” or “overwrite” to assign new field ids to the schema.

data_storage_version : optional, str, default None

The version of the data storage format to use. Newer versions are more efficient but require newer versions of lance to read. The default (None) will use the latest stable version. See the user guide for more details.

use_legacy_format : bool, default None

Deprecated parameter. Use data_storage_version instead.

storage_options : optional, dict

Extra options that make sense for a particular storage connection. This is used to store connection parameters like credentials, endpoint, etc.

See also


The operation used to create a new dataset or overwrite one using fragments created with this API. See the doc page for an example of using this API.


The operation used to append fragments created with this API to an existing dataset. See the doc page for an example of using this API.

Return type:
