- lance.LanceFragment.delete(predicate: str) FragmentMetadata | None
Delete rows from this Fragment.
This will add or update the deletion file of this fragment. It does not modify or delete the data files of this fragment. If no rows are left after the deletion, this method will return None.
Internal API. This method is not intended to be used by end users.
- Parameters:
- predicate : str¶
A SQL predicate that specifies the rows to delete.
- Returns:
A new fragment containing the new deletion file, or None if no rows left.
- Return type:
FragmentMetadata or None
>>> import lance >>> import pyarrow as pa >>> tab = pa.table({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]}) >>> dataset = lance.write_dataset(tab, "dataset") >>> frag = dataset.get_fragment(0) >>> frag.delete("a > 1") FragmentMetadata(id=0, files=[DataFile(path='...', fields=[0, 1], ...), ...) >>> frag.delete("a > 0") is None True
See also
The operation used to commit these changes to a dataset. See the doc page for an example of using this API.