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Rust-backed Client Migration Guide

In an effort to ensure all clients have the same set of capabilities we have begun migrating the python and node clients onto a common Rust base library. In python, this new client is part of the same lancedb package, exposed as an asynchronous client. Once the asynchronous client has reached full functionality we will begin migrating the synchronous library to be a thin wrapper around the asynchronous client.

This guide describes the differences between the two APIs and will hopefully assist users that would like to migrate to the new API.


Closeable Connections

The Connection now has a close method. You can call this when you are done with the connection to eagerly free resources. Currently this is limited to freeing/closing the HTTP connection for remote connections. In the future we may add caching or other resources to native connections so this is probably a good practice even if you aren't using remote connections.

In addition, the connection can be used as a context manager which may be a more convenient way to ensure the connection is closed.

import lancedb

async def my_async_fn():
    with await lancedb.connect_async("my_uri") as db:
        print(await db.table_names())

It is not mandatory to call the close method. If you do not call it then the connection will be closed when the object is garbage collected.

Closeable Table

The Table now also has a close method, similar to the connection. This can be used to eagerly free the cache used by a Table object. Similar to the connection, it can be used as a context manager and it is not mandatory to call the close method.

Changes to Table APIs

  • Previously Table.schema was a property. Now it is an async method.
  • The method Table.__len__ was removed and len(table) will no longer work. Use Table.count_rows instead.

Creating Indices

The Table.create_index method is now used for creating both vector indices and scalar indices. It currently requires a column name to be specified (the column to index). Vector index defaults are now smarter and scale better with the size of the data.

To specify index configuration details you will need to specify which kind of index you are using.


The method has been renamed to AsyncTable.vector_search for clarity.

Features not yet supported

The following features are not yet supported by the asynchronous API. However, we plan to support them soon.

  • You cannot specify an embedding function when creating or opening a table. You must calculate embeddings yourself if using the asynchronous API
  • The merge insert operation is not supported in the asynchronous API
  • Cleanup / compact / optimize indices are not supported in the asynchronous API
  • add / alter columns is not supported in the asynchronous API
  • The asynchronous API does not yet support any full text search or reranking search
  • Remote connections to LanceDb Cloud are not yet supported.
  • The method Table.head is not yet supported.


For JS/TS users, we offer a brand new SDK @lancedb/lancedb

We tried to keep the API as similar as possible to the previous version, but there are a few small changes. Here are the most important ones:

Creating Tables

CreateTableOptions.writeOptions.writeMode has been replaced with CreateTableOptions.mode

db.createTable(tableName, data, { writeMode: lancedb.WriteMode.Overwrite });
db.createTable(tableName, data, { mode: "overwrite" })

Changes to Table APIs

Previously Table.schema was a property. Now it is an async method.

Creating Indices

The Table.createIndex method is now used for creating both vector indices and scalar indices. It currently requires a column name to be specified (the column to index). Vector index defaults are now smarter and scale better with the size of the data.

await tbl.createIndex({
  column: "vector", // default
  type: "ivf_pq",
  num_partitions: 2,
  num_sub_vectors: 2,
await table.createIndex("vector", {
  config: lancedb.Index.ivfPq({
    numPartitions: 2,
    numSubVectors: 2,

Embedding Functions

The embedding API has been completely reworked, and it now more closely resembles the Python API, including the new embedding registry

const embeddingFunction = new lancedb.OpenAIEmbeddingFunction('text', API_KEY)
const data = [
    { id: 1, text: 'Black T-Shirt', price: 10 },
    { id: 2, text: 'Leather Jacket', price: 50 }
const table = await db.createTable('vectors', data, embeddingFunction)
import * as lancedb from "@lancedb/lancedb";
import * as arrow from "apache-arrow";
import { LanceSchema, getRegistry } from "@lancedb/lancedb/embedding";

const func = getRegistry().get("openai").create({apiKey: API_KEY});

const data = [
    { id: 1, text: 'Black T-Shirt', price: 10 },
    { id: 2, text: 'Leather Jacket', price: 50 }

const table = await db.createTable('vectors', data, {
    embeddingFunction: {
        sourceColumn: "text",
        function: func,

You can also use a schema driven approach, which parallels the Pydantic integration in our Python SDK:

const func = getRegistry().get("openai").create({apiKey: API_KEY});

const data = [
    { id: 1, text: 'Black T-Shirt', price: 10 },
    { id: 2, text: 'Leather Jacket', price: 50 }
const schema = LanceSchema({
    id: new arrow.Int32(),
    text: func.sourceField(new arrow.Utf8()),
    price: new arrow.Float64(),
    vector: func.vectorField()

const table = await db.createTable('vectors', data, {schema})