Understanding HNSW index
Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search is a method for finding data points near a given point in a dataset, though not always the exact nearest one. HNSW is one of the most accurate and fastest Approximate Nearest Neighbour search algorithms, Itβs beneficial in high-dimensional spaces where finding the same nearest neighbor would be too slow and costly
Jump to usage There are three main types of ANN search algorithms:
- Tree-based search algorithms: Use a tree structure to organize and store data points.
- Hash-based search algorithms: Use a specialized geometric hash table to store and manage data points. These algorithms typically focus on theoretical guarantees, and don't usually perform as well as the other approaches in practice.
- Graph-based search algorithms: Use a graph structure to store data points, which can be a bit complex.
HNSW is a graph-based algorithm. All graph-based search algorithms rely on the idea of a k-nearest neighbor (or k-approximate nearest neighbor) graph, which we outline below.
HNSW also combines this with the ideas behind a classic 1-dimensional search data structure: the skip list.
k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs and k-approximate Nearest neighbor Graphs
The k-nearest neighbor graph actually predates its use for ANN search. Its construction is quite simple:
- Each vector in the dataset is given an associated vertex.
- Each vertex has outgoing edges to its k nearest neighbors. That is, the k closest other vertices by Euclidean distance between the two corresponding vectors. This can be thought of as a "friend list" for the vertex.
- For some applications (including nearest-neighbor search), the incoming edges are also added.
Eventually, it was realized that the following greedy search method over such a graph typically results in good approximate nearest neighbors:
- Given a query vector, start at some fixed "entry point" vertex (e.g. the approximate center node).
- Look at that vertex's neighbors. If any of them are closer to the query vector than the current vertex, then move to that vertex.
- Repeat until a local optimum is found.
The above algorithm also generalizes to e.g. top 10 approximate nearest neighbors.
Computing a k-nearest neighbor graph is actually quite slow, taking quadratic time in the dataset size. It was quickly realized that near-identical performance can be achieved using a k-approximate nearest neighbor graph. That is, instead of obtaining the k-nearest neighbors for each vertex, an approximate nearest neighbor search data structure is used to build much faster.
In fact, another data structure is not needed: This can be done "incrementally".
That is, if you start with a k-ANN graph for n-1 vertices, you can extend it to a k-ANN graph for n vertices as well by using the graph to obtain the k-ANN for the new vertex.
One downside of k-NN and k-ANN graphs alone is that one must typically build them with a large value of k to get decent results, resulting in a large index.
HNSW: Hierarchical Navigable Small Worlds
HNSW builds on k-ANN in two main ways:
- Instead of getting the k-approximate nearest neighbors for a large value of k, it sparsifies the k-ANN graph using a carefully chosen "edge pruning" heuristic, allowing for the number of edges per vertex to be limited to a relatively small constant.
- The "entry point" vertex is chosen dynamically using a recursively constructed data structure on a subset of the data, similarly to a skip list.
This recursive structure can be thought of as separating into layers:
- At the bottom-most layer, an k-ANN graph on the whole dataset is present.
- At the second layer, a k-ANN graph on a fraction of the dataset (e.g. 10%) is present.
- At the Lth layer, a k-ANN graph is present. It is over a (constant) fraction (e.g. 10%) of the vectors/vertices present in the L-1th layer.
Then the greedy search routine operates as follows:
- At the top layer (using an arbitrary vertex as an entry point), use the greedy local search routine on the k-ANN graph to get an approximate nearest neighbor at that layer.
- Using the approximate nearest neighbor found in the previous layer as an entry point, find an approximate nearest neighbor in the next layer with the same method.
- Repeat until the bottom-most layer is reached. Then use the entry point to find multiple nearest neighbors (e.g. top 10).
We can combine the above concepts to understand how to build and query an HNSW index in LanceDB.
Construct index
import lancedb
import numpy as np
uri = "/tmp/lancedb"
db = lancedb.connect(uri)
# Create 10,000 sample vectors
data = [
{"vector": row, "item": f"item {i}"}
for i, row in enumerate(np.random.random((10_000, 1536)).astype('float32'))
# Add the vectors to a table
tbl = db.create_table("my_vectors", data=data)
# Create and train the HNSW index for a 1536-dimensional vector
# Make sure you have enough data in the table for an effective training step