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@lancedb/lancedb / Exports

LanceDB JavaScript SDK

A JavaScript library for LanceDB.


npm install @lancedb/lancedb

This will download the appropriate native library for your platform. We currently support:

  • Linux (x86_64 and aarch64)
  • MacOS (Intel and ARM/M1/M2)
  • Windows (x86_64 only)

We do not yet support musl-based Linux (such as Alpine Linux) or aarch64 Windows.


Basic Example

import * as lancedb from "@lancedb/lancedb";
const db = await lancedb.connect("data/sample-lancedb");
const table = await db.createTable("my_table", [
  { id: 1, vector: [0.1, 1.0], item: "foo", price: 10.0 },
  { id: 2, vector: [3.9, 0.5], item: "bar", price: 20.0 },
const results = await table.vectorSearch([0.1, 0.3]).limit(20).toArray();

The quickstart contains a more complete example.


npm run build
npm run test

Running lint / format

LanceDb uses eslint for linting. VSCode does not need any plugins to use eslint. However, it may need some additional configuration. Make sure that eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig is set to true. Also, if your vscode root folder is the repo root then you will need to set the eslint.workingDirectories to ["nodejs"]. To manually lint your code you can run:

npm run lint

LanceDb uses prettier for formatting. If you are using VSCode you will need to install the "Prettier - Code formatter" extension. You should then configure it to be the default formatter for typescript and you should enable format on save. To manually check your code's format you can run:

npm run chkformat

If you need to manually format your code you can run:

npx prettier --write .

Generating docs

npm run docs

cd ../docs
# Asssume the virtual environment was created
# python3 -m venv venv
# pip install -r requirements.txt
. ./venv/bin/activate
mkdocs build